Novedades en Ecología Y Servicios Ecosistemicos

"Nos envían esta oferta de 2 becas de investigación en Servicios Ecosistemicos para que la publicitemos."

M.S./Ph.D. opportunity in Ecosystem Services and Social-Ecological Systems

The Social Ecological Research Lab at Idaho State University is hiring two PhD or MS students to conduct interdisciplinary research on ecosystem services, land use change, watershed management and planning, climate change, and environmental policy in the Intermountain West. The student will pursue a degree in Biology or Geosciences at Idaho State University, and will be funded by the MILES program, an NSF project on coupled human-environment systems in Idaho ( Preference will be given to students with strong background in GIS, landscape ecology, and statistics. Previous experience in ecosystem services modeling tools will be an asset. Prospective students will be funded either by a teaching assistantship or by a research assistantship. Additional funding can be obtained from external grants. Pocatello in Idaho is a vibrant city in the Intermountain West with a low-cost of living, high quality of life, and abundant year-round outdoor activities. To apply, send a CV and a letter describing your experience and research interests, GRE scores, contact information of 3 references, and your career goals to Dr. Antonio J. Castro at as soon as possible but no later than January 21, 2016. For international students visit the Graduate School web page, or contact to Kay Durman, International Graduate Admissions at 208-282-2270 or E-mail: To submit application, please visit our web page for graduate student departmental application materials at under the link for Graduate/Application Forms. Contact Noreen King at 208-282-4150 or regarding any questions.

"La falsa disyuntiva entre productividad y conservación de la biodiversidad es uno de los mayores obstáculos con que tropieza el desarrollo de una economía ecológica: Una voluntad saquedora, que considera el dinero como algo material, ha impuesto sus percepciones y así ha conseguido situar el debate en el terreno que más le favorece: A su ritmo bailan actualmente las empresas, las instituciones públicas y la población en general, incluidos amplios sectores del activismo ecologista... No se puede seguir avanzando si las cosas no empiezan a ser enfocadas desde otra perspectiva: Aquella que conjunta los datos aportados por la ecología científica con los intereses de la gente."

J. Ramón Rosell


28.10 | 23:39

Me ha encantado , ya hablaremos cuando tengas tiempo

06.09 | 00:08

matrix agroganadero, jajaja, toda la razóm. La natura siempre se organi...

01.08 | 10:49

Hola Carmen soy Antonia, quisiera me metas en el grupo de whatsap...

12.10 | 07:31

Increíblemente interesante, voy a estudiarlo en detalle. Gracias.