Enlaces y noticias...

... y la pérdida de biodiversidad...
 Los países ricos pagan enormes barcos pesqueros industriales para surcar el océano y vaciar el mar por unos 5 mil millones de dólares USA por saquear, cometer ecocidio y dejarlo todo devastado para futuras generaciones. La flota industrial que arrasa en alta mar tiene una potencia motriz que en la actualidad es 10 veces mayor que en 1950. Sus redes son tan grandes como para albergar a 12 aviones jumbo juntos. Gracias a este asalto a las reservas de pesca, unos 2/3 de estas reservas están al borde del colapso...o lo han sobrepasado ya..Sin los subsidios correspondientes la mayoría de estos negocios fracasarían.
Rich countries pay huge industrial "fishing" boats to roar over the ocean and vaccum up the sea at US$5 billion a year for their plundering, ecocide, and devastation to future generations.

The industrial fleet that now drags the high seas for fish has a combined engine power 10 times stronger than it did in 1950. Its nets are so huge that they’re sometimes big enough to hold 12 jumbo jets. And it is largely thanks to this all-out assault on high-seas fishing stocks that two-thirds of those stocks are at the brink of collapse—or well past the edge. Without the subsidies, most of these businesses would fail.

So thoroughly have industrial fleets overfished the seas that they couldn’t afford the fuel to travel the ever-increasing distance needed to catch the same amount of fish if their governments didn’t lavish public funds upon them.

In economics, you’d call these zombies—unprofitable companies that would fail if governments didn’t prop them up. If industrial fleets weren’t subsidized, they’d go out of business. Small-scale fisheries that don’t need enormous amounts of fuel to catch huge hauls of fish—i.e. the ones using life-respecting fishing practices—would then in theory thrive. Many of these fishermen are in poor countries whose governments can’t afford to compete in the industrial looting.

But instead of discouraging this trend, rich countries are paying those vessels to perpetrate oceanic ecocide like there’s no tomorrow. Japan, China, the US, the EU and other countries pay $27 billion to subsidize these vessels - and, 90% of the large fish from the sea are GONE. This is why Deep Green Resistance says that industrial practices are incompatible with life on this earth, and that we need to dismantle the infrastructure of oppression.


Image: Global Ocean Commission, an independent body of international leaders focused on ocean conservation policy.


28.10 | 23:39

Me ha encantado , ya hablaremos cuando tengas tiempo

06.09 | 00:08

matrix agroganadero, jajaja, toda la razóm. La natura siempre se organizó a si misma para todo lo que cayera al suelo se aprovechara.

01.08 | 10:49

Hola Carmen soy Antonia, quisiera me metas en el grupo de whatsapp con el 699769996 el frances lo he dado de baja.
Muchad Gracias.

12.10 | 07:31

Increíblemente interesante, voy a estudiarlo en detalle. Gracias.